Postal / invoice address:
DB Cargo Czechia s.r.o.
Hlubinská 1378/36 702 00 Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava Czech RepublicSales:
Head of Sales Tel. +420 722 074 351Service Design:
David Nykš
Head of Service Design Tel: +420 607 169 576Jan Bobocký
Specialist of Service Design Tel.: +420 601 691 696Operations:
Head of Dispatching CZ, SK Tel: +420 720 954 595Ivan
Head of operational staff Tel: +420 601 693 371Marcel Grü
Production manager Austria Tel: +420 737 725 203Mathias
Head of dispatchers Austria Tel: +420 731 496 121Roland
Head of Loco drivers AT Tel: +420 720 954 502Lukáš Heř
Head of Railway Vehicles Management Tel: +420 601 691 403Vít Selucký
Technology, Legislative, Safety Tel: +420 722 993 516Non-stop
Tel. +420 702 222 805Administrative support:
Petra Helebrantová Head of Administration Tel. +420 601 088 298Romana Sedlaczková Hana Strašíková Specialist of administration Tel. +420 702 265
Back office / General affairs Tel. +420 720 937 084Accounting:
Human Resources:
Ing. Iva Juříková
HR Specialist Tel. +420 722 988 641Petra Helebrantová
HR Manager Tel. +420 601 088 298IMS:
Director of Strategic Projects and IMS Manager Tel: +48 722 220169Control Tower:
Tereza Sabevová
Head of Control Tower Tel: +420 722 986 850Accredited training center:
Head of operational staff Tel: +420 601 693 371Jiří Morá
Head of accredited training centre Tel: +420 793 918 365Whistleblower Officer (authorized person)
The persons in charge of receiving and handling submissions (Whistleblower Officer) are:
Mrs Veronika Opělová
Whistleblower Officer Tel. +420 604 245 930and
Mrs Barbara Solarska
Whistleblower Officer Responsible for notifications received through the BKMS system.Contact information for submitting a notification:
a) e-mail:,
b) in person:
to Mrs Veronika Opělová, on the premises of DB Cargo Czechia s.r.o., Hlubinská 1378 / 36, 702 00 Ostrava (personal meeting may be arranged in advance by phone or e-mail),c) by post to the address of the company’s registered offices:
DB Cargo Czechia s.r.o.
F.O.A. Veronika Opělová Hlubinská 1378/36 702 00 OstravaIn case of sending by post, the notification must be sent in a sealed envelope marked DO NOT OPEN - WHISTLEBLOWER.
d) by telephone: +420 604 245 930 (written record is made of the interview),
e) through the BKMS system:
The notification must be submitted by a natural person and must contain information about a possible illegal act that has occurred or is expected to occur at an entity for which the notifier performed or is performing work or other similar activity, or at another entity with which the notifier was or is in contact in connection with the performance of work or other similar activities which:
- has the characteristics of a criminal offence,
- has the characteristics of an offence for which the law stipulates a fine rate, the upper limit of which is at least CZK 100,000,
- violates the Whistleblower Protection Act No. 171/2023 Coll., (hereinafter also referred to as the “Act”),
- violates another legal regulation or a regulation of the European Union in specified areas.
A whistleblowing notification shall not be deemed to be a part of any notification which contains:
a) information, the announcement of which could immediately threaten the essential security interest of the Czech Republic,
b) information on the activities of the intelligence services of the Czech Republic, or
c) information, the notification of which would constitute a breach of the clerical confidentiality obligation in connection with the exercise of confessional secrecy.
Whistleblower protection
The receipt and handling of complaints within this system is set up in such a way that the identity of the Whistleblower cannot be revealed. Only the person authorized to receive and process complaints has the right to become familiar with his/her identity and the content of the notification, and who is bound by confidentiality, and is obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the content of the submission during the investigation of the complaint and after the end of his/her employment.
Whistleblowers are entitled to protection under Act No. 171/2023 Coll., Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers, if they had legitimate reasons to believe that the reported information about the violation was true at the time of the notification (i.e. the whistleblower must not make a knowingly false notification). The main protective measure may be considered the ban on applying retaliatory measures against the whistleblower and other natural and legal persons (e.g. colleagues, assistants of the whistleblower, persons close to the whistleblower, legal entities of which the whistleblower is a partner, etc.).
Authorized person’s procedure
a) the authorized person will assess whether the notification meets the conditions for handling in the regime, according to Act No. 171/2023 Coll. Whistleblower Protection Act, and will notify the Whistleblower within 7 days of receiving the notification,
b) the authorized person investigates the information in the notification and, if confirmed, takes appropriate steps; in particular, he/she proposes corrective measures, or takes further steps, e.g. forwards the submission to law enforcement authorities, misdemeanour (minor offence) authorities, or other materially competent public authorities,
c) the authorized person will inform the Whistleblower about the result of the investigation and about the proposed measures within 30 days from the notification of receipt of the notification – (the deadline may be extended twice by up to 30 days in factually or legally complex cases. The Whistleblower will always be notified of the extension before the deadline expires.)
Obligations of the Whistleblower:
Given the circumstances and information available to him/her at the time of the notification, the Whistleblower should have reasonable grounds to believe that the facts reported or made known to him/her are true. It is not possible to report facts that are knowingly false.
The Whistleblower should act in the public interest and in good faith that the whistleblower is based on credible facts and figures.